Posts by Collection


A Big Data Approach to Decision Trees - Introduction to Decision Trees

1 minute read


Decision trees are one of the most popular predictive algorithms because they are easy for humans to understand as simple if-then rules are enough to define the whole model[1]. They are greedy search based algorithms from the supervised learning group, which use divide-and-conquer strategy to solve complex problems. The combination of sub-problems solutions builds an acyclic connected graph where the name trees comes from. These models can be implemented to solve regression problems receiving the name regression trees, on the other hand they are also widely applied to the classification problem when they are named decision trees[2], which are the subject of this project.

A Big Data Approach to Decision Trees - Information Gain and Entropy

1 minute read


The main task for decision tree algorithms is to evaluate how good splitting a node by the values of a given attribute is then, recursively perform the division for the best option until leafs are reached. The Information Gain (G) is the metric for choosing the best option and, is given by equation below for a Set (S) in relation to an Attribute (A),

A Big Data Approach to Decision Trees - Big Data and Parallelism

less than 1 minute read


Typical Big Data tasks include handling massive amounts of data which can’t be cached in a single node memory or, that sequential processing is unfeasible for the application due to the processing time. These operations are applied into samples dimension so, must be parallel computed in order to have practical utility. However, there are also jobs done in features dimension that is usually small, making it feasible to process them with no parallelism.

A Big Data Approach to Decision Trees - Building the Tree

2 minute read


Building the tree itself does not require parallel computing because it is basically on updating tree nodes properties, controlling the processing queue (list of tree nodes to be processed) and the model (dictionary of nodes in the tree).

A Big Data Approach to Decision Trees - References

less than 1 minute read


[1] L. M. O. da Silva, Uma Aplicação de Árvores de Decisão, Redes Neurais e KNN Para a Identificação de Modelos ARMA Não-Sazionais e Sazionais, Ph.D. thesis, Pontifícia Universidade Cat[olica do Rio de Janeiro, 2005.

Smart Aquarium

less than 1 minute read


In this personal project I have implemented a simple temperature control system to cool the temperature of my aquarium down with world famous Raspberry PI 3.